Optimism: being unhurt in a severe accident

On our way from Shimla to Kullu, I phoned my mother-in-law and said,” Don’t wait up for us for the lunch; we have got late on the way!”

“Why?” was her natural response.

“Because we are coming by taxi; our car has gone faulty”, I replied.

When she asked as to what had happened to the car, I said,” actually a truck hit our car lightly so we are coming by taxi. But don’t worry; we are safe and unhurt!”
Her reaction was of panic as expected, but I convinced her that only the car was damaged and we were all safe.

What I didn’t tell her at that moment is a tale that still sends chills up my spine!
I cannot forget that day. We were going to visit my husband’s native village in Kullu from Shimla by car. My husband was driving and I was sitting on front seat while my daughter was lying on the back seat of our car.

We were happy to have started early as we could reach our destination on time. On a blind turn, we noticed a truck coming from the opposite side. There was nothing to worry as the truck was on right tack, so we continued chatting happily until there was a sudden bang! The only thing I remember was that I saw a truck coming too close! What I could not realize at that time was that there was another truck overtaking the first truck on the blind turn in full speed which hit our car head-on!
There was a big bang and our car was pushed back at least 10 to 15 meters back by the truck! We were lucky that our car banged on the tire of truck. Had the car been hit by the body of the truck, in all probability I would not have been here to write this!

My head had hit the dashboard and when I lifted my head, I saw my husband getting down from the car! His mouth was bleeding as his tongue came between his teeth and had a deep cut. We both were hurt but I panicked thinking about my daughter! My whole body was paining but I got down hurriedly almost crying, shouting for my daughter. But to my surprise the shaking back seat of our car had acted as a saviour for my daughter. My daughter was lying on the seat and the back of the seat had fallen over her sandwiching her between the two seats leaving her unscratched from the accident!

I lifted the seat and took my six year old daughter in my arms forgetting the pain my whole body was feeling. I was so thankful to God for saving my little one and leaving her unscratched! Also my heart filled with optimism noticing that we were not hurt much in spite having been hit by the truck head-on. My daughter had started crying, while my husband was not in a position to talk due to cut in his tongue, but I kept on repeating to them,” Nothing happened! We are saved!”

A vehicle had stopped on the road noticing the accident. The gentlemen from the vehicle got down and told that the truck driver had fled from the spot. Yes, it was the grave mistake of the driver which had cost us a lot, but at that moment the feeling of happiness overpowered the feeling of anger for the driver. Our car was badly damaged, but I was least bothered about it!

The gentlemen on the vehicle took us to the government dispensary nearby and called the police. My husband got stiches on his tongue. Limping with my aching legs, I was briefing the police and talking to the doctor, while repeating these words to my husband and daughter,” Nothing happened! The God has saved us! These are only small wounds and would heal soon!” I didn’t realize that I was also hurt, until the doctor said, let me also check you!” I then realized that I also got hurt on my knees and my forehead was bleeding, lightly because of the broken window glass.

The car was so severely damaged that there was no question of getting it repaired at that time, so we hired a taxi after getting over the first aid and Police formalities. When we got in the taxi to complete our journey, my daughter said,” Mom! How nice it would have been had the truck not hit our car!”

I said,” Beta! I am thinking how nice it is that we are still safe and sound despite our car having been hit by the truck so badly!”

The moment of accident had a catastrophic effect on me, but the moment I saw my family safe, my heart was filled with optimism!


  1. Gosh! What a scary tale. Hope no one has to go through accidents.
    Thankful to God to save you & your family.
    Rash-driving by some people can prove so costly for others.
    Be safe. Happy Holi!


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