little moments of happiness

Different people have different perceptions of happiness. People often think that they would be happy upon getting a certain thing, but what they fail to realize is that in pursuit of bigger happiness, they abandon thousands of moments of little happiness, which when added together are going to make them happy.

In addition to our share of big moments of happiness, life also showers upon thousands of small moments of happiness, which we often fail to appreciate.My little moments of happiness are as below:

1.     When I was posted in Shimla, I was wondering how I was going to survive the freezing cold weather there. In Shimla, once the continuous rain throughout the day forced me to go to bed early. Upon getting up the next morning, when I glanced out from the window casually, I was mesmerized. All the things in sight were covered with snow. Flakes of snow were falling silently adding to the beauty. The first sight of snowfall filled my heart with a happiness which is hard to describe in words. After that I have witnessed many snowfalls, but each time I see snowflakes falling from sky slowly and silently, my heart is filled with happiness.

2.      When my daughter was born, I kept on extending my leave till she got eight months old. Even after joining, I found it difficult to be away from her for the whole day. In the evening, the journey back from office to home appeared too long and when I used to press the doorbell after returning from office, the sound of her giggling coming from inside filled my heart with enormous happiness. When the housemaid opened the door carrying my daughter, I used to hide on one side. My daughter would seem to be  disappointed on not finding me on the door. When I would step in her sight, the million dollar smile on her face filled me with a happiness which cannot be brought even with the largest sum of money. I still feel that after a long day at work, being greeted by smiling children at home is one of the biggest blessings in life.

3.     Though it is for quite some time that I have been striving to express myself through the amazing art of writing, each time I write something, I am apprehensive as to whether anybody would read it or appreciate it. A word of appreciation on my writing fills me with happiness.

4.     Yes, we all have our own tastes for movies, but there is a certain class of movies, which is liked by people of all generations. Yes, I am talking about animation movies! On a Sunday, sitting relaxed with family at home, watching an animation movie like “Kungfu Panda”, “Madagascar” or “Ice Age” gives me immense pleasure.

5.     In the age of facebook and WhatsApp, it is very rare to get a call from your friends. But whenever I get a call from a school or college friend without any specific purpose, I feel too happy.  Talking to a friend for hours together about everything under the Sun fills me with happiness.


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