Doing Away with Rose day & Propose Day and customise your own days

image courtesy: png tree, google

“Countdown to valentine day begins with Rose Day reads a headline!
Seriously? Countdown?  What the hell! Seems as if some spaceship is going to be launched by ISRO or some missile to be fired by Indian army for which countdown is beginning!  Another headline reads,” Valentine week begins with Rose Day”

And the headline for the next day is even more intriguing announcing the Agaaz of “Propose Day”! As if one day is not sufficient for celebrating the birth of Saint  valentine, people are celebrating the whole week, and the newspapers and TV channels are also going gaga over Rose Day, Propose Day, Alana day, Falana day etc. etc.
With all this hullabaloo doing rounds, my inquisitive, hard-core unromantic mind forced me to have a critical analysis about the origin of these days.
Image courtesy: Google

To my surprise, Wikipedia says “Propose Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated on February 8 in India . On this day, large numbers of youngsters give roses to propose to their girlfriend or boyfriend.
Did you notice? Unofficial holiday celebrated in India! Leave aside US, UK, or other advanced countries, it is not even celebrated in smaller countries like  Bhutan, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Monaco or any other country! That means only we Indians are so much ahead in Vellapanti that we are celebrating a day without knowing its origins! And Wikipedia further says  you can help Wikipedia in expanding it”!  How sweet  of you Wikipedia! I come to you for explanation of some bizarre thing, and you give a more bizarre explanation with a bizarre request to me to expand it!!!!!!!
But wait! Propose day is still better with at least a line of information in Wikipedia! The search for chocolate day or Rose day only took me to online shopping sites, more than eager to help me celebrate these days! The search also led to some renowned newspapers or news channels websites, suggesting ways and means to celebrate valentine week!

So it is more or less clear that these days are not some universally celebrated days and perhaps have been started by marketing sites; may be the origin lies to the over production of roses in some particular year or overstocking of chocolates by some vendor.
By the way, somebody told me that he got 5 proposals on propose day: 3 for home loan and 2 for car loan! Also, some what’s app gyaan is already doing rounds  on how one should distribute chocolates on chocolate day and carry your kids on back like teddy for teddy day!

 Amidst all this confusion and after my inconclusive research about these worthless day, it appeared that I was also getting involved in this Vellapanti . But as they say, every cloud has a silver lining, my silever lining came in the form of a “Bramhagyan” staring at a rose. I had concluded that there is no rocket science involved in starting a day, and any eena, meena or deeka can start a day which suits his/her purpose. So, I thought why only rose, chocolate or Teddy?
why not do away with these insignificant gifts and invent some days which bring valuable gifts! 
So, in my small endeavour to do some good to mankind(rather womankind), I propose to start following days, which can do more good to women(or in other words, bring some useful gifts to women):
Sari day
Suit Day
Gold ornaments Day (little old fashioned, but still gold is gold)
Diamond Day
Microwave Day
TV Day
Cell phone Day
Washing Machine Day
Recliner Day (believe me, I got a recliner as a birthday gift once, and if you don’t have one, please vote for recliner day)
(this list is open to editing) I am sure, all the jewellers/ sari shops/Departmental stores would wholeheartedly support me in this noble cause, and the online shopping sites might even go ahead to the extent of offering me some public commendation!
PS:  As I am about to close this post, I remember that in these days of gender equality, I may be accused of being unfair to men for proposing all the days for women, so I propose some days for men too:
Shirt Day
Suit Day
Tie day
Ring Day
Cell phone day
Running shoes day
Wallet day
(The list is open to editing)
And as a firm believer of social justice and equality, why should kids be left behind? They may also demand for PS4 day, X- Box day, video games day etc.
So friends, keep on adding to the list and let’s hope to celebrate the special day you wish for, next year!


  1. Really liked this post, days created by the capitalists to feed the mindless consumerism.

  2. Thanks. They indeed have been created by market forces to feed consumerism


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