Doing Away with Rose day & Propose Day and customise your own days

image courtesy: png tree, google “Countdown to valentine day begins with Rose Day ” reads a headline! Seriously? Countdown? What the hell! Seems as if some spaceship is going to be launched by ISRO or some missile to be fired by Indian army for which countdown is beginning! Another headline reads,” Valentine week begins with Rose Day” And the headline for the next day is even more intriguing announcing the Agaaz of “ Propose Day ”! As if one day is not sufficient for celebrating the birth of Saint valentine, people are celebrating the whole week, and the news papers and TV channels are also going gaga over Rose Day, Propose Day, Alana day, Falana day etc. etc. With all this hullabaloo doing rounds, my inquisitive, hard-core unromantic mind forced me to have a critical analysis about the origin of these days. Image courtesy: Google To my surprise, Wikipedia says “ Propose Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated on Fe...