my childhood withses

As a little kid, I always thought that when I would grow up and start earning, life would be all fun and no worries. I would do whatever I want without any bindings. But what I didn’t know at that time was that all the good things in life come in packages. When you start earning, you cannot have a long leisure time due to responsibility towards work, and when you have a happy family you cannot spend all your earnings having fun time with them, as you have to secure the future of your loved ones.

Though it appears like a dream, but if I had a life without constraints, the following are the top 5 things on my bucket list that I would do if I were BefikarUmarBhar:
1.       Ever since I visited Switzerland, I have been mesmerized by the natural beauty it possesses. Though I spent two weeks there, exploring the beautiful snow clad mountains and lush green landscapes, I still lounge to go there and enjoy the beauty of this heavenly land. If I would be befikar umarbhar I would like to spend one full month in Switzerland, exploring it on train, trams, and boats and even on foot with a camera in my hand.

2.       I have always been fascinated by the magic, mystery and beauty of Egypt. If got a chance, I would like to spend a month in Egypt enjoying the natural beauty of the land and exploring the archaeological sites. I would even like to discover a Pharaoh’s tomb there!!!

3.       The first time I visited Disneyland I decided that I would surely visit this place with my kids. When I visited there with my kids, we stayed there for two days. But, I realized that two days are not enough to enjoy the happiest place on earth! If I would have been befikar umarbhar, I would spend at least 15 days in Disneyland watching all the Disney parades, all the shows and taking all the rides again and again! Each day I would enter the park at the opening time and would come out after closing of the park.

4.       When I went to Las Vegas I was amazed to see this fun filled place! Though I could not try out most of the games there, it was fun watching people gambling with large stakes, irrespective of their winning or losing! My husband sanctioned a budget of $100 for me to gamble in the casino. I thoroughly enjoyed spending one hour in casino with it, but still regret that the money did not last long! Imagine how much fun it would have been if I could play with $2000! If I would be free of all the worries, I would explore all the games of the casinos and try my luck with $2000! If I could play with this money without any worry, maybe I can bring home $20,000 and become more befikar!

5.       Since my childhood, I have imagined a place full of books ( like the library in” Beauty and the Beast”) where I could be lost and no one would disturb me. If I had a large amount of money which I could spend without worry and had no need to work for earning, I would have a big wall to wall library, where I could be lost in books for days together! as I won’t need to work I would be able to spend the whole day in the library, without any need to step out!



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