A Birthday Wish to my daughter

  I agree that times flies, and happier time flies faster.
So much has changed during these seventeen years…
From a little bundle packed carefully in warm clothes, you have turned into a tall girl, smartly dressed with matching accessories.

As a two year old, you chose a sandal for me in a shoe shop and kept on insisting that I buy it, now I prefer taking you along to help me shop.

As a three year old you cried so much as you wanted to wear the newly bought night suit while going for an outing, now you never step out of the house in a clumsy dress.

On my birthday or marriage anniversary, you presented me cards made with your unskilled, little hands, now you surprise me with your beautiful post on my Facebook wall.

You used to serve me imaginary tea and snacks in your kitchen set, now I cherish the ginger tea you prepare for me.

I used to bring books for you and tried hard to make you read them, now you suggest me the books I should read make sure that I finish them.

Taking a look back at these seventeen years, I can say that we have enjoyed all these moments of togetherness.

Yes, happier time flies faster, and these seventeen years could not have flown faster than this!

Thanks for coming in my life my little angel!
Happy Birth Day my dearest daughter!


  1. Such a sweet post :)
    From a mother to a daughter!
    Kids grow up so fast....
    Many happy returns & best wishes to your daughter! God bless.

  2. Such a nice post, happy birthday to your daughter...

  3. Thanks Anita and Alok, for liking my post and your good wishes!

  4. Such A sweet POst !
    Happy Bday gal !


  5. That's so sweet....
    My best wishes to your daughter....


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