When my son was about three year old, this was a common scene
in our home:
I try to mollify him, but to no avail. My husband also joins
me, but no luck!
Few minutes pass.
My son:” मैं पापा से भी गुस्सा हूँ! (I am annoyed
with Papa too!)”
My husband: “मैंने क्या किया?(What have I done?)”
As time passes, I stop trying.
My son, unable to continue his गुस्सा with his mother, comes to her and
says,” लेकिन मैं मम्मा से तो खुश हूँ पर पापा से गुस्सा हूँ! (I am
happy with Mamma but annoyed with Papa!)”
Mother son duo reconcile and chat happily, while the father
is puzzled, “मैंने क्या किया है?(What have I done?)”
True from heart..