When my son was about three year old, this was a common scene in our home: I scold my son. He goes to the other side of the bed, saying,” मैं मम्मा से गुस्सा हूँ ! (I am annoyed with Mamma!) ” I try to mollify him, but to no avail. My husband also joins me, but no luck! Few minutes pass. My son:” मैं पापा से भी गुस्सा हूँ ! (I am annoyed with Papa too !)” My husband: “ मैंने क्या किया ?(What have I done?)” As time passes, I stop trying. My son, unable to continue his गुस्सा with his mother, comes to her and says,” लेकिन मैं मम्मा से तो खुश हूँ पर पापा से गुस्सा हूँ ! (I am happy with Mamma but annoyed with Papa!) ” Mother son duo reconcile and chat happily, while the father is puzzled, “ मैंने क्या किया है ?(What have I done?)”