The word black signifies lack of any colour, but ironically it has the grace that cannot be matched by any colour. There are so many shades of black that you can have many black dresses and still not have enough of them. Here is the list of 5 black things I desire:

1.     A DSLR Camera: 
         The first black thing I desire is a DSLR camera. My fascination for SLR camera dates back to my childhood, when I was impressed with the mesmerizing pictures clicked by my uncle with his SLR camera (that was not the age of digital camera). Photography was considered a very expensive hobby in those days, but it   was a passion for my uncle and despite his modest salary, he spent a lot on this hobby. In those days I yearned to have an SLR camera. When I grew up and got a job, this dream somehow took a backseat on my priority list and I settled for a digital compact camera. But now, I strongly feel that I should have a DSLR camera and try to take perfect pictures like my uncle. So the first black thing on my wish list is a DSLR camera.

2.     Black Smart Phone: 

                  Being a typical Indian mother, it is in my genes to think hundred times before buying an expensive gazette for my personal use. So naturally, like camera, when it comes to buying a smart phone I decide to buy a smart phone but think over it so long that the rumours of the next smart phone flood the market. Like when I finally made up my mind to buy iphone 5s, somebody asked me, “Iphone 6 is being launched shortly, why don’t you wait for few more months?” Now, since my kala ber (Blackbery) screen is also scratched, I have decided to buy black iphone 6, as soon as it is launched (or at least before iphone 7 rumours start coming).

3.     Black magic:
             Don’t get me wrong! I do not practice witchcraft. Though black magic is supposed to be used for evil purposes, I wish to acquire it for pure white purpose. I wish to have black magic and use it for good causes to teach a lesson to all anti-social elements so that our society never faces their menace.

4.     Black rose: 

      "Roses are red, Violets are blue….”,Though I don’t intend  to challenge the writer of these lines, with due regards to him, I would like to remind him that roses are black too! Though roses are always pretty irrespective of their colours, I am always fascinated by black roses. As I said earlier, black colour can have many shades, but the black colour of black rose, which is the extremity of redness, is really fantastic. I wish to have a garden full of black roses.

5.      Black and white Madhubala movies: 

   Hindi Cinemas have witnessed many beautiful heroines. Hema Malini, Rekha, Sridevi, Madhuri Dikshit, Katrina Kaif, all of them are very beautiful, but still I believe that if beauty can be defined in one word, it is Madhubala. I am fascinated by how beautiful she looks even in Black & White movies! Her smile is mesmerizing and it seems that acting comes naturally to her! I wish to have a collection of all Black & White Madhubala movies and watch all of them one by one!


  1. Black DSLR Camera is one of my most fascinating thing, don't know when can I be able to have one..

  2. Same here Alok! Thanks for visiting.

  3. Sweet list. Even I'd love all these, Ratna :)
    I was planning to write about 'Black Rose' never seen it.
    My friend was telling me about them... they were in a garden of Bhubaneswar... wonder if they are still there...
    Black Magic definitely will help :)
    I want DSLR & Smartphone too! I love Hindi cinema too :)

    Best wishes for the contest! Hope you have added/submitted the post in the BlogAdda link.


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