Building A Home of Happiness, With Moments of Togetherness#Go further to get closer
The title of the contest left me
immersed in my thoughts for some time, “Do we really need to go further to get
closer?” At first I dismissed the idea of writing on the subject as I thought
closeness is not dependent on the location. But as I lay on my bed in my nocturnal
dialogue with myself amidst the background music of snoring of my husband, I
started pondering over as to how the family vacations away from home affected
the relationship of family members.
Even if you think holidays can
bring you closer, why you need to go further? After all, a holiday is a
holiday. I understood soon as I recalled family holidays to our parental home or
attending a family function like wedding.
Visits to hometown means
socializing with the relatives and friends who your children would find as
extinct as dinosaurs. Your mother/mother- in- law (tick whichever is
applicable) would chalk out your plan for visiting chachii, mausiji, mausaji
ki bahan ke devrani etc.etc. Though you are not at all keen to meet these
aunties, you have to fulfil the plan to make your mother/mother-in-law happy. By
the time you return home after visiting so many relatives, all you can talk to
your spouse is the unromantic topic of cure for indigestion or acidity caused
by drinking too much tea. On top of it you have to give up your good night’s
sleep to accompany your child in his frequent visits to restroom, caused by
overeating of pooris/Halwa on the insistence of chachi/mami/mousi.
Leave apart closeness, you are fighting with your spouse over whose turn it is
to wake up for the child.
The situation during family
functions like wedding is more miserable. If you want to talk to your spouse,
finding him/her would be as difficult as finding a unicorn. You have to find a
sensible child who in turn would find another child who recognises your child
and convey him your message to find out his father/mother and tell him/her to
attend his cell phone as the ring is not audible due to background noises.
Normally on visit back home after
such holidays, you would feel like carrying a label on your forehead “Shikayaten
yahan drz ki jati hain” (Complaints are registered here) as the journey is
filled with allegations being labelled by your spouse regarding the food being of
worst quality (as if you had cooked it), the unruly behaviour of children of relatives
(As if you taught them to misbehave) etc. . So, moral of the story is though
visit to parental home or family wedding is highly enjoyable, they are not
ideal if you want to get closer.

So, while I pondered over these unpleasant
memories, I decided to recall my best holiday memory and I didn’t have to give
a second thought to it, as I knew it was my maiden foreign visit!!!!!! My visit to Switzerland, which is my most
memorable holiday.
I was in great dilemma whether to
accompany my husband, when he got a chance to visit Switzerland on an official
visit. I was in a decisive state of mind
even though it was my long cherished dream to visit a foreign country (that too
Switzerland), but at the same time, the thought of leaving my children behind
was sinking my heart. My husband
convinced me not to take children along as he felt that rather than
enjoyment, foreign visit would be more of a burden for the kids, especially as
we did not have any idea what we were going to face. My mother-in-law also
supported him as she promised to stay with the children in the period of our
absence and I knew that she would take care of kids better than us. Finally, I
decided to accompany my husband, a decision which I never regretted even for a
At the starting of our journey,
we realized, how pleasant it was to travel without carrying a baby bag containing
diapers, wet tissues etc., the stuff we had become used to carrying. Also,
rather than bed time stories, we could have discussions on any topic on earth
without having to explain a toddler the meaning of each and every word.
The journey was filled with fun
and joy never experienced before. We enjoyed each and every moment of it.
On the very first day of our
visit, we decided to explore the city of Geneva and left the hotel with a map.
We asked the way to lake and were waiting for the bus at the bus stop. We burst
into laughter at our own mistake, as the bus came on the other side of the road
and left. Though we knew that there was right hand drive there, we had
automatically stood at the wrong side of the road immersed in our conversation.
There are many such memories,
like once when I was annoyed with my husband while going to a tourist spot and threatened
to go back to hotel. My husband also got annoyed and turned back. After walking
a few steps, he stopped, held my hand and returned back, saying, “No! We have
spent so much of money in this visit! We are not going to get this chance again!
We should postpone this fight till we get back home!” My annoyance vanished at
such an innocent reasoning for stopping the fight!
Be it running together to catch
the train or searching the stores with maximum percentage of sale to buy gifts
for family, we experienced the joy of togetherness in these small acts.
Thanks to the high rates of
international roaming and the hassles associated with getting it activated, we
travelled without it and realized that it was a blessing in disguise. Though we
arranged a local SIM card there, only family members had access to it, so the
time spent on phone calls was restricted to 5-10 minutes at the most as against
a usual two-three hours a day back home, again thanks to high rates of
international calls (phone conversations reminded the calls made from STD
booths in 1980s, when only one liner questions were asked and one word replies
were given). Also, the TV channels played on our hotel room TV did not interest
us the least, so we found it better to talk to each other rather than watching
When we were returning home, we
were eager to meet our kids, whom we had missed badly, but at the same time we
also felt that this visit had enabled us to share some very special moments of
Our visit to USA and China
followed the following year, for which we didn’t give even a second thought on
going together without children.
During these visits also, we
gathered many sweet memories, which we can cherish lifelong. Being a strict
vegetarian, I had problem with food served in China, but at the same time, I
realized the advantage of having non vegetarian husband, something I had never
realized back home. I didn’t eat anything there until my husband tasted it and
certified it to be vegetarian. I was also touched to see that even after being a
non-vegetarian, how much he respected my vegetarianism.
A very special memory of US visit
is travelling through British Airways. Though the journey was long (with
a two hours stopover in Hethrow), comfortable seats, friendly cabin crew with
their impeccable service made this journey feel short. The pure vegetarian
Indian food served was very tasty, which made the journey even more pleasant. In
the flight, I was impressed by their wisdom, as the Hindi movie Dostana was on the watch list during the flight, which
is shot in Miami. Incidentally, that was also our first destination in the US
visit. The movie is still very close to our hearts, as it reminds us of our US
After completing my walk down the
memory lane to recollect all my memorable holidays, I ended my journey with a smile remembering my foreign visits. As
I analysed those moments, I realized that going further had actually brought us
closer, as we had plenty of time sans work, TV, telephone, kids, relatives,
worries, stress etc. to spend with each other. The time flied in talking,
laughing, arguing, getting annoyed and then resolving the dispute within few
I now do not have any doubt that
the tagline is so true: “Go further, to get closer”!
This post is written by me for British Airways and Indiblogger
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